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He said the ministry offer incentives in the form of digital entrepreneurship to small online businesses that focus on aspects of education and skills. KUALA LUMPUR: As many as 53,285 online businesses have been registered with the...
Big leap: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak launching Bursa Malaysia’s Leading Entrepreneur Accelerator Platform or Leap Market at Invest Malaysia Kuala Lumpur 2017. With him are (from left) Bursa chairman Tan Sri Am...
SUBANG JAYA: The Malaysian Small and Medium Entreprises (SME) sector contribution to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to exceed 40% and on track to achieve the target of 41% of the GDP.  ...
品牌塑造已成为商海的重要策略,但如何在众多竞争者中独占鳌头,却是一门需要“修炼”的功课。本报于3月28日在新山举办的企业座谈会,邀来专家为你“解读”、“提点”,以掌握潮流先机。 何佳誉(右四起)、廖官凤、张喜...
Please be informed that Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) would like to invite you to participate in the seminar on “What You Should Know about Bank Negara's New Forex Measures?” on 15th December, 20...
(吉隆坡2日讯)马来西亚中小企业公会主办“2016年度企业白金奖颁奖典礼暨晚宴”日前圆满落幕,本届共颁发19个奖项予实至名归的优秀企业。 种植及原产业部长拿督斯里马袖强为大会开幕嘉宾,约计超过1300名来自企业界、商会、各国大使馆、政府部门的贵宾共...
驻马来西亚台北经济文化办事处代表章计平指出,台湾总统蔡英文提出“新南向政策”,将运用资源共享的理念,透过文化、观光、医疗、科技、农业、中小企业等软实力,强化与马来西亚等东南亚国家双边及多边的交流与合作。 (柔佛.新山9日讯...
Mustapha (centre) addresses the meeting. Also seen are Awang Tengah (left) and Naroden. KUCHING: The Ministry of International Trade and Industries (Miti) has reaffirmed its commitment to put the development of small and medium enterprises (SM...
KUALA LUMPUR: SME Corporation Malaysia hopes the upcoming 2017 Budget will introduce a more cohesive and structured approach to spur the development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), its Chief Executive Officer, Datuk Hafsah Hashim said. She s...
JOHOR BARU: The two-day Skim Latihan 1Malaysia (SL1M) Career Interview Programme here next month is expected to draw up to 20,000 visitors. To be held from Oct 12-13, the programme at the Persada Johor International Convention Centre will offer 10,00...
Riot presents a certificate to a graduate. From right are Vignaesvaran, Kadim, Affendy and Kopli. KUCHING: Human capital development is the most important factor that will propel small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to successfully compete with...
Malaysia’s SME Association president Datuk Michael Kang speaks at The King’s Discourse on the TPPA in Kuala Lumpur September 24, 2016. — Picture by Choo Choy MayKUALA LUMPUR, Sept 24 — Small businesses in Malaysia are yet to...
KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 24 (Bernama) -- The SME International Trade Association of Malaysia (SMITA Malaysia) and Crowdo have reaffirmed their commitment to assist local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in funding through crowdfunding.Crowdo is a region...
大马中小型企业公会主席拿督江华强指出,7月1日强制在巴生港口实行的货柜秤重费条例,目前因Portnet作业系统瘫痪,出口商家仍照过去的处理程序营运,并等待有关当局进一步的洽商与回应。 江华强(右三)赠送纪念品予讲师潘力克。左起为缇娜杰罗姆、李...
On Thursday, the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia released its 2016 taxation survey report that found GST had increased costs for small businesses. PETALING JAYA, July 18 — Small and medium enterprises (SME)...
The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM) claims that the goods and services tax (GST) has increased costs for small businesses. This is according to its 2016 SME taxation survey report, which found that a m...
(吉隆坡14日讯)国内贸易、合作社及消费部长拿督斯里韩沙再努丁说,他将在未来半年内会见各商会、商家、消费者协会等非政府组织代表,以探讨是否需要废除抑或加强价格控制及反暴利法令。 他今日在出席大马知识产权局(MYiPO)的开斋节宴会后召开新闻发布会表示,马来...